De Sangosse is a member of drumMUSTER Australia. This enables growers to recycle their De Sangosse and Agronutrition drums at sites across the country.

Developed with the environment in mind, the drumMUSTER program collects and recycles eligible, empty and clean agricultural and veterinary chemical containers. drumMUSTER is a national product stewardship program that is supported by AgVet chemical manufacturers, industry stakeholders which includes member and farming associations, state and local governments.
Working hand-in-hand with local councils and other collection agencies, drumMUSTER has established collection facilities all over Australia and since its inception in 1998 the program has recycled over 40 million containers.
drumMUSTER Regional Consultants work tirelessly across the nation to build and maintain strong relationships with program stakeholders, while national staff manage the day to day operations and facilitates a range of projects from the National Office in Canberra.
Once the containers have been collected, they are recycled into re-usable products such as wheelie bins, road signs, fence posts and bollards.
The drumMUSTER service benefits both the user, the environment, industry and the wider community by providing a reliable, cost effective and sustainable option for the recycling of empty eligible AgVet chemical containers.
Eligible Containers:
For more information or to find your local collection site, please visit